Inge Hondebrink is an established, driven and committed photographer/filmmaker. In her work, she frequently initiates projects that personally move her. Through her lens, she brings striking subjects, stories and people to life in a fresh,
sometimes unorthodox style.
People are the constant factor in Inge Hondenbrink’s photography.
Famous, handicapped, old, young or beautiful each individual poses a unique challenge as a subject, whether in their daily life or when posing for a portrait.
Photographer at the Beeldunie
Member of Dupho
Member of Platform GKf

- 2022 |” Stevens Kerk blikvanger van Nijmegen” Stevenskerk Nijmegen
- 2021 | ” Er is weer ruimte voor kunst ” Kunstinitiatief De Nieuwe Gang Beuningen.
- 2019 | ” Kunst in de Kazerne ” open ateliers Krayenhoffkazerne Nijmegen.
- | “Grootse Kunst fijne prijzen” groepstentoonstelling Kunstenaars Initiatief De Nieuwe Gang Beuningen.
- 2018 | “99+1 Kunst van eigen bodem” Museum het Valkhof Nijmegen.
- 2017 | “Next Stop Palookaville ” Galerie Beeld & Aambeeld Enschede.
- 2016 | “Next stop Pholokaville”. BredaPhoto Breda the Netherlands.
- | “Op inhoud” Galerie de Gang Haarlem the Netherlands.
- | “Emotions” Adplog Gallery Turin Italy.
- | “Expofete” Kafé van Zanten Amersfoort the Netherlands.
- | Photo artwork for Oxford building University Maastricht the Netherlands, in collaboration with Florentijn Hofman.
- 2015 | “Jump“ The Fence , New York, Atlanta, Houston.
- | “Sport“ Grote kerk Breda.
- | Sports and Handicap Photofestival Viborg Denmark.
- 2014 | Winterbeelden Zeepfabriek Nijmegen with Dick van Aalst.
- 2013 | De zeven van Nijmegen Besiendershuis Nijmegen with William Moore.
- 2012 | Exposition Portraits of Lodz Bookart Museum Lodz Poland.
- 2011 | Exposition ” Perspectief ” traveling around in the Netherlands.
- | Permanent exposition “Orthopedium” at Orthopedium Hospital Delft.
- | Permanent exposition “Portrets of Rino Zuid” at Rino Zuid Eindhoven.
- 2010 | Exposition ” Perspectief ” traveling around in the Netherlands.
- | HAN – University Nijmegen, Students at work.
- 2009 | Exposition ” Perspectief ” traveling around in the Netherlands.
- | Fondsslachtofferhulp group exposition Las Palmas Rotterdam.
- 2008 | Het Brandweer, Maastricht, De Avonden, GKF group.
- | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Sport and Handicap.
- | CBK, Nijmegen, Topsport.
- 2007 | Diaconesse Ziekenhuis, Meppel, Down in movement.
- | Head Office Canon, Amstelveen, Athletics.
- | Town hall,Spijkenisse, Special Olympics Spijkenisse.
- 2006 | Cacaofabriek, Helmond, GKf group.
- | Provincie Huis, Assen, Atletiek.
- 2005 | Town hall,Leek, Moment.
- | Galerie Stills, Nijmegen, De verwondering.
- | Slot Zeist, Utrecht, Uit de kunst.
- 2004| Jaarbeurs,Utrecht, Daily life and handicap.
- | Hogeschool Domstad,Utrecht, Photography in sports.
- | House of parlements, Den Haag, Special Olympics Dublin.
- | Town hall,Spijkenisse, Special Olympics Spijkenisse.
- 2003 | Photofestival Naarden , Dicht op de huid,GKf group.
- | Galerie 21, Bredevoort, Gkf group.
- | Sint maartenkliniek Nijmegen, Emotion in sports.
- 2002 | Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, Paralympics Sydney.
- | Town hall, Oosterbeek, Vukovar.
- 2000 | Kunstrai, GKf group, Amsterdam.
- 1999 – 2000 | Exposition, Sports and Handicap, traveling around in the Netherlands.
- 1998 | Sint Maartenkliniek Nijmegen Communication in the rehab center.
- 1996 | De Zaaier, Amsterdam, 2 Dimensies, GKf group.
- 2020 | Impact levens met een handicap Inge Vuijk ISBN 9789082215366.
- 2018 | 99 + 1 Vrije kunst in Nijmegen Inge Hondebrink met Nico Huibrechtsen Pascale Compagnen ISBN 978-90-30969-9
- | De Wereld is Groter GGZ-VS kijkt vooruit.
- | GreenDoc Projects by De BeeldUnie.
- 2016 | Capacity , the Dutch Parathletics Team’s Journey Inge Hondebrink, Helene Wiesenhaan ISBN 9789462288041.
- | Next Stop Palookaville Inge Hondebrink, jacqueline Maris, James Comerford ISBN 9789082178340.
- | You BredaPhoto ISBN 97894920511219.
- 2015 | Kunst van het innoveren Anne Swart, Karin van Londen ISBN 9789082178333.
- 2014 | Handen uit de Mouwen with Cecile aan de Stegge, Catherina Bakker, Kitty de Leeuw , Robbert Zweegman ISBN 9789087044527.
- 2013 | GKf fotografen 2013-2014 ISBN 9789080788640.
- | Keersluis Heumen with Gerrit Jagt and Robbert Zweegman ISBN 9789461900685.
- | De 7 van Nijmegen with Abdelkader Benali and William Moore ISBN 9789074241311.
- 2012 | Orthopedium blurb.com for Orthopedium Delft 120 jaar ’s Heeren Loo Zorggroep for ’s Heeren Loo.
- 2011 | GKf fotografen 2011-2012 ISBN/EAN:978-90-807886-0-2.
- 2010 | Lentereiland ISBN 978-90-808196-3-4 Municipality Nijmegen.
- 2009 | Allemaal Nijmegenaren Levensverhalen van Antillianen, for Municipality Nijmegen.
- 2008 | Shanghai Special Olympics 2007, for Stichting Hephaist’s, DenHaag, ISBN 978-90-813957-1-6.
- | Perspectief, for Revalidatie Nederland Utrecht ISBN 978-90-75601-02-2.
- 2006 | 26.000 gezichten, Stichting 26.000 gezichten, ISBN 90-76453-96-2 various photographers.
- | De Verwondering,BnM Uitgevers, ISBN 90 77907 15 7 various photographers.
- | Jump to Beijing, for Eurochamp Champ Foundation,ISBN 90-9021325-2 various photographers.
- 2005 | Moment, De Zijlen, ISBN 90-809472-1-0Uit de Kunst,Reinaerde,Utrecht with Anton Corbijn.
- 2004 | Special Olympics Spijkenisse 2004, for Organisation Special Olympics Spijkenisse 2004,ISBN 90-802940-2-0.
- 2003 | Disability European Athletics, for Eurochamp Champ Foundation, Assen with various photographers.
- | Dublin,Special Olympics 2003 , for Stichting Hephaist’s, DenHaag, ISBN 90-76574-17-0 with Dick van Aalst.
- 2014 | Final Cut Pro X 10.1 College of Multimedia Amsterdam.
- 2013 | Course Documentaire making Flitsacademie Amsterdam by Heddy Honigmann and Pieter van Huystee.
- 2012 | Film Masterclass short documentary by Ben van Lieshout and Bea Visser.
- 2010 – 2011 | Course video journalism NVJ Masterclass documentary photography Noorderlicht Groningen.